Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Agassi and Sampras feud spills onto charity court.

It all started out as a good idea that Rafael Nadal and Andre Agassi would team up and face Roger Federer and Pete Sampras in a doubles match for a charity that would help the victims of the Haiti earthquake.  Well the goodwill being shown turned into a "slap fight" between two former greats.  The only good things to come out of the event was over 1 million dollars earned for Haiti relief and learning that Roger Federer has a good, witty sense of humor.  It was good to see.

Background info on what happened:  In Andre Agassi's autobiography titled "Open" (great book by the way), Agassi described a situation where he and a former coach were eating at a restaurant and they spotted Pete Sampras eating there as well.  After Pete was done eating he had the valet get his car.  While this was going on Agassi and his coach placed a bet on how much Pete tipped the valet for retrieving his car.  When Andre and his coach left the restaurant they asked the kid how much Sampras left him for a tip.  The kid didn't want to say, but was basically forced to because Andre and his coach had a bet on how much was given to him.  Finally the valet broke down and revealed Peate had given him only a dollar.

It all came to a head a little week ago.  Here is the video of Andre making fun of Sampras being cheap, and Sampras' rebuttal of a serve at Agassi's head:

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